Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Another HP coaster is coming

Every year MTV movie awards highlight some sort of movie or at least show a premier trailer. I was watching the MTV movie awards last night; I have to say I have grown out of them. I used to jump out of my seat when someone I liked would win, but it’s just seems plain boring and senseless now. I am not going to post a review about these awards, because they were far beyond what creativity means to me. These awards were full of F bombs and stupid stuff that isn’t worth watching but I still watched them huh!. So, they premiered Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows teaser trailer, as much as I have hated the HP movies in past, I have to say I am excited for this one.


I can list out a 100 random reasons to prove to you that I am excited because I don’t actually have a solid reason. So far none of the movies this year have lived the expectations; none of them have been creative and awesome enough to make me want to watch them over and over again, with the exception of one, HOW TO TRAIN A DRAGON. You should watch it.

So anyway, I am excited for the new HP movie, I have read the book about three times, or may be more than three times, I don’t really keep a record. This movie is still in process of making, I am happy that harry and his two friends are finally going to get out of that wizard jail Hogwarts and go out to see what real world is like – it still won’t be real enough of course. I was bored out of seeing that castle in every movie and finally we are going to get some good story line from Miss JK Rowling, HP 6 was all about teenage love and juvenile infatuations, and not to mention Daniel needs to work on his acting skills, I bet my younger brother can act better than him. Despite of all this I am still hoping Deathly Hallows to be good one, trailer seems awesome and one of the reason I watch HP movies is the animation and the quality of picture. HP has probably one the best teams to work with; some of the most creative people are hired to make every animation look real. The dragons, broomsticks, flying, Voldemorts noseless face, and the lighting effects are simply amazing and unbelievably real like. I think they should animate in the facial expressions for Daniel too.

The trailer speaks for itself, deathly hallows isn’t gonna be a boring ride for sure. Leme know why you like or don’t like HP movies? Are you a only book fan too? Do you find voldemort wicked with those sleek nostrils?